The other application is Voicethread which also allows you to add the spoken word to your blog. I haven't tried it out yet but it looks very interesting and beautifully designed. Thanks to Joe Dale for that. As he says;
"Jo Rhys-Jones creator of the Ning network Talkabout Primary MFL has written a great post on ideas for using VoiceThread for teaching primary languages which beautifully exemplifies some of the potential of this powerful tool.
- using the doodler feature to label, annotate, trace a route on a town plan and play games such as noughts and crosses
- differentiating according to ability
- encouraging independent work in the target language
- reinforcing adjectival agreement
- creating evidence of pupils' work
- engaging pupils with technology
- encouraging pupils to leave comments in a moderated environment
- singing a rhyme using a picture prompt
- using authentic digital photos from the country whose language you are learning
- as a prompt for discussion
- describing the weather using an authentic image from the net
- creating a dialogue or open ended text from a picture prompt
- inviting your partner school to comment on a protected VoiceThread
- letting pupils choose the images that appear in the VoiceThread
- scanning in or photographing images pupils create themselves."
It is great, isn't it? the only drawback is that you need a microphone, which is not expencive, but not many people have it and -at least from what I've heard - they don't buy it because they don't "need" it!!
Thanks for your message (I'll leave one for you as well when I find the time!) and for dropping by - I'll have lots of stuff going on on my blog till Xmas!! Take care!
I saw a microphone for 1.90 euros in Plaisio which does a good job. Also most laptops have a mic built in.
Take care.
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