The exam season is almost over. The English learning alphabet soup of CPE, FCE, ECCE etc, has once again taken place and I wish my students the best of luck with their results. They deserve to pass as they have worked hard to prepare. It has been a long, gruelling year for everyone and I'm looking forward to taking time off.
Unfortunately, my students don't have such a luxury as they are embarking on other exams at either school or university. June is going to tough considering their work load.
As the more astute of you have noticed my EFL/ESL content has dropped off recently, reflecting both the need to concentrate on more mundane skills such as revision and the fact that I've been been having lots of fun re-discovering my love of photography. Don't worry, once I've recharged my batteries I'm sure that many classroom ideas will follow. Sometimes you have to take a break in order to retain your love of teaching.
Sounds paradoxical, but it's true. We need holidays even from the things we love doing.
Hope you enjoy a well-deserved break!
Thank you, Claudia. I guess your term is just beginning. Have a productive winter.
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