Sunday, March 01, 2009

Greek police involved in new brutality case

Greek riot police about to go into action against high school students in Thessaloniki

A university student has accused police in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki of beating him during a routine stop and search. The 22 year old was stopped after leaving a bar with two friends during the early hours of Saturday morning. According to the sworn testimony given by police officers present Rafael Pagadas, refused to provide ID and became abusive. Afterwards the student repeatedly attempted to injure himself by banging his head on the patrol car present and on the wall of the Plateia Demokratias police station where he was taken.

Pagadas claims that he and his friends were stopped without reason and that when asked for ID he presented his Italian passport which lead to his being handcuffed immediately. Later he was taken to the police station where according to his statement plain clothes officers punched him repeatedly while he was handcuffed to a bench. Later, according to Pagadas officers slammed his head against the wall and dragged him by his hair around the station.

The 22 year old is due to stand trial 6th March for disobedience, refusing to provide ID and insulting a police officer.

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