Taken at the 11th Anti - Racist Festival, Thessalonik this weekend.

Green activists in the northern Greek port city of Thessaloniki clashed with riot police during their attempt to hold a naked bike ride in order to protest excessive car use. Senior police officials, however, had warned that anyone not wearing clothes would be arrested and so the ride went ahead with the protesters clothed in beach wear and body paint.
According to protest spokesperson, Kostas Terzopoulos Thessaloniki is the dirtiest city in Europe especially in term of pollution and that excessive car use leads to massive problems with air quality and noise pollution.
Problems began when riot police closed the main road leading into the city and forcibly arrested an English protester who they claimed was naked. Amidst tense scenes the hundred or so cyclists eventually persuaded the riot police to let the bike ride continue.
Later cyclists closed the main Tsimiski St with a sit down protest in order to demonstrate against the detainment of their fellow protester who was, according to police authorities set free. They condemned the police handling of the ride as heavy handed and out of all proportion.
The Greek police force has a chequered history as far as the handling of public demonstrations and has often been the target of complaints and law suits over excessive use of force. Last September English teacher and NowPublic contributer, Craig Wherlock was hopitalised by riot police for taking pictures during a peaceful march.Whilst in November 2006 Cypriot student, Augustinos Dimitrios was savagely beaten by plain clothes officers. Despite the fact that the incident was captured by TV cameras and shown on national TV no officer has been charged with a criminal offense.
Lydia was a bridesmaid at this wedding. I hung around and took a few pictures of the couple and it was soooooo obvious how much in love they were. I hope to have captured a taste of that in this picture.
I bumped into Stephan as I was going through Aristotelous Square and after catching up on news and stuff I asked to take his photograph. Check out his website and video.
One of the things I like to do is buy books with the works of famous photographers in order to draw inspiration and if possible, copy their style in order to incorporate it into my own. One book I bought recently is Vietnam Inc. by Philip Jones Griffiths, a Welsh photographer who covered the war. In 1971 he published his book of images which was a damning indictment of what America was doing in Vietnam.
Here is a Magnum podcast which includes interview footage of Griffiths intercut with pictures from the book. Be warned some of the photos are harrowing.
I took this picture at a demo in which people were protesting rising cost of living. As is the case with many places in the world oil and food prices have gone up dramatically in the last few years.
However, the situation in Greece has become desperate as the cartels and monopolies that control so much of the economy have used the current international climate to hike up prices at a far greater rate than in other European countries.
On the other hand wages have remained more or less static for the best part of decade.
Created splicing the genes from Martin Parr and Bruce Gilden.
Uploaded by Teacher Dude's BBQ on 13 Jun 08, 8.02PM EEST.