Sunday, August 12, 2007

50 different web 2.0 ways to tell a story

It's a sign that the holidays are gradually drawing to a close that I have started to have some more teaching ideas. After a three month hiatus from all things teacher orientated I am now starting to get in gear for the coming school year.

Anyway, one of the things I experimented with last year was digital story telling (see here and here) and it seemed to be something that my private students enjoyed (see here) since it allowed them to produce videos that could be put on their blogs. As well as getting them to practice their English it also gave them the chance to become comfortable with the technology (never a given).

Yesterday, I happened to come across a great post in Joe Dale's blog which links to a great site which has 50 different web 2.0 ways to tell a story. It includes ideas of how to tell a story, how to find tools to use and where to get pictures if you don't wish to use your own.

With the widespread adoption of mobile phones with camera and recording capabilities mean that students are now in the position to produce their own videos/photo stories with the one thing you can guarantee they'll have with them.

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