Where to begin? Today has been incredibly busy and not to mention exciting. Let's start with the big stuff. Today I was interviewed by Dimitris Angelidis, a journalist who works for Epsilon magazine, which is the supplement for Eletherotypia on Sunday. We talked about being a foreigner in Greece and blogging. I don't know when the article is coming out but they're going to send a photographer to take some snaps.
"Mr De Mille I'm ready for my close -up."
So the clock is ticking on my 15 minutes of fame.
Also in between lessons I checked out the Museum of Byzantine history here in Thessaloniki and the place blew my mind. It is truly amazing not just as a collection but as a building. Just as I was leaving I bumped into Katerina, a friend of mine who was born on exactly the same day in history as me (and when you reach 40 then it does indeed get to be history). We both commiserated about our fate and had a good laugh at ourselves.
Next it was onto Starbucks where I managed to stop another junkies cracking open his skull. This time the guy was swaying dangerously to and fro whilst trying to negotiate the marble steps of the church on Egnatia opposite the cafe. In return for my good deed I asked the guy if I could take his photo. He kindly accepted.

Ok now I can say that I have a famous friend!!!
Oh yes, I'll even give you a signed copy of my new book, lol.
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