I've had a great day just wandering through the city, drinking coffee, taking photos with my new camera. The fact that the weather is warm and sunny helps.

The crowds enjoying their coffee in Aristotelous Square.

A girl selling packets of tissues on Nikis.

A Spanish teacher living here in Thessaloniki.

Dead to the world on a bench in Navarino Square.

Guy in a tree in Navarino.
It was such a beautiful day today! Well, it has been great the past few days. Makes it hard to believe it is going to be cold and rainy tomorrow.
Just when I did a load of laundry. =(
A great site and beautiful photographs. Congratulations. Exchange links?
Visit Alex today and discover the true, heart warming story of faith and prayers. Read how this young Ethiopian street child is being rescued from a certain death on the streets of Addis Ababa. DISCOVER THE REAL LIFE STORY OF HOPE AND SUCCESS FOR ALEX Link to us today and follow the progress as Alex adjusts to the safe world in Europe where he will hopefully soon get a good education and health. http://alex-roadtofreedom.blogspot.com
Did you get the Spanish teacher's name and number? Thinking of "polishing" my Spanish!
Oh well, we've got six months of good weather ahead of us. I guess we shouldn't worry about a rainy day or two.
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