Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Updating class blogs

This year I decided that I would post all the homework I set on the class blog. One reason behind this (beyond the obvious ones) is that I hope through this to encourage students to view and participate in the blog more often. My problem up till now has been that because students don't really have access to the internet at school I have to rely on them figuring out problems at home. Also since blogging is my own personal initiative, and not really part of the curriculum I'm having a hard time persuading students to contribute.


Mr. D'Onofrio said...

I know the feeling. I wish I could motivate my students to see the class blog and wiki as something from which they can learn more, in a more refreshing and convenient way.

But I couldn't get them to budge on using an aggregator, like Bloglines, because they're not being marked on it.

teacher dude said...

This kind of stuff is so new in Greece that they can't see how it can help them.The students think that all they have to do to pass their exams is memorise what's in the book they're doing.