It was the first day of the school year and so I went with Liddy to find out about her timetable. Instead of that, I got a lesson in the practical applications of Chaos Theory in managing large organisations. Two hours later nobody was any the wiser than when they arrived. We all had to listen to a bunch of announcements that made little or no sense or just plain contradicted themselves while everyone baked in the sun. All of this is via a tannoy system which I think is some high - end encryption device capable of taking any message and turn it instantly into gibberish. At the end of this farce hundreds of parents and kids stood around scratching their heads, trying to figure what exactly had just happened.
The problem is that the new school which should have been finished months
ago will take at least another two weeks of work to complete. Even in the existing school necessary maintainance work was left to the last minute meaning that the painters were still finishing classrooms even as the first kids turned up.
ago will take at least another two weeks of work to complete. Even in the existing school necessary maintainance work was left to the last minute meaning that the painters were still finishing classrooms even as the first kids turned up.
The worst of all was having to listen to speech after speech by local politicians pontificating on how they have improved the local community through their hard work and diligence. This in a district so badly run that even numbering the homes has been messed up.
After the fifth joker started stumbling through his ode to himself I snuck off
to sluice the crap out of my ears. After years of listening to the same stilted, wholly self-serving rhetoric that pours out their mouths I simply just walk off. Listening just encourages them.
to sluice the crap out of my ears. After years of listening to the same stilted, wholly self-serving rhetoric that pours out their mouths I simply just walk off. Listening just encourages them.
Transcript of the speech
I would hmhhhhhhnhhh and add that hmmhhhhhhhhh so hmhmnmmhhhhm thank you for hhhmhmmjhh mhnmmnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh vote hmhmhhhhmhmhmhhhmhhm
wonderful hnhmhhhhmhhhmhhmh our great movement mhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhmh
mhhmmhhmmh hmhmhhhmhmmhmhmhhmhmmhmhmhmh me mhhmmhhmmhmhhm mehmhmhhmhmmh me mhhmhmhhhmhmmh my workhmhmmhmhmhmh I have strived mhmhhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmh my efforts hhmmhmhmhmhmh we need to work together hmmhhmhmhmhmhm.
And I thought I was the only one bored!! We also had KAlamaria's mayor talking about the problems of the school! Like the pre-schoolers understand anything! Have a great school year!!
The good news is that because the tannoy systen was so crap that only the first two rows of six-year olds could hear the speeches. The rest of the crowd just ignored them.
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