The idea of this exercise is to encourage students to get to know each other at the beginning of the course.
Lesson plan
1 For homework ask students to create their own audio CD/mp3 mix CD.Tell them that they should write down the artists and tracks. They should also write one or two sentences about each song/album. E.g what it means to them or when they first heard it.
2 Pin the lists on the board. Students then try to match the list to their fellow student. Nobody reveal their list until everyone has had a chance to speak.
3 Students then swop their Cds with each other.
This exercise would be particularly interesting in a multilingual/multiethnic group.
In general though, I love mix tapes. Ok, mix CDs now, but they used to be called mix tapes.
Of course, I'll be damned if I can find a program to make mp3s, so I can't make mix CDs anymore.
Why not try using Windows Media Player? Ust put in a CD and press "Rip". If you are also on the internet at the time it will download all the details of the album such as track listings, running times etc.
WMP makes mp3s? Lol. I am teh stupid.
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